Setting Ruckus Unleashed 📶 on Captive WiFi 🚥

  1. Overview
  2. WiFi Hardware
  3. Setting Ruckus Unleashed 📶 on Captive WiFi 🚥

Access Point Configuration 

Start by logging into your Ruckus Unleashed web interface.

Select Services > AAA Servers

  1. Click Create New at the top:
  • Name - Captive WiFi
  • Type - RADIUS
  • Auth Method - PAP
  • First Server IP Address - get this value from the captive wifi support
  • Port - 1812
  • Shared Secret - get this value from captive wifi support
  • Confirm Secret - get this value from captive wifi support

Click OK to save.


  1. Click Hotspot Services on the left and then Create New. Configure with:
  • Name - Guest WiFi
  • WISPr Smart Client Support - None
  • Login Page -<site id> (the Site ID is found under WiFi Hardware)
  • Redirect to the following URL -< Unique ID > (this is found under Manage Venue)
  • Select the Authentication Tab
  • Choose - Captive WiFi
  • Wireless Client Isolation - Select the First Option
  • Select Walled Garden Tab - add the following

Click OK to save.


  1. Next, click WLANs on the left then Create New or choose exsisting. Configure with:
  • Name - Guest WiFi
  • ESSID - Guest WiFi (or whatever you wish)
  • Type - Hotspot Service known as (WISPr)
  • Authentication Method - Open
  • Encryption Method - Open
  • Hotspot Service - Guest WiFi
  • Advanced Options
    • Priority - High
    • Inactivity Timeout - 120 (or choose a timeout for your guests)
NOTE: You can also install a valid SSL certificate on your controller/AP to avoid authentication errors with laptops connecting

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